EXPERIENCE (Summary) :
Experienced as a health economist, health planner, and health manager in the Ministry of Health and Health Care/Jordan.
Specialized experiences includes: economist and planner in hospital and health care facilities, educator at major Jordanian University and colleges; patient care management/service first line administrator; operational and long-range strategic planning; continuous quality improvement; staff training and development; cost reduction; managed care; union contract negotiations; and, community relations.
Expert as a team leader of Self Evaluation Document (SED) affiliated with (QAA) and Self Evaluation Report (SER) affiliated with (AACSB) in promoting excellence in Higher Education Programs: Department of Business Administration, Department of Accounting, and the Department of Banking and Finance.
Working with medical and administrative staff; team development; vertical integration with network patterns; problem solving; implementing change; cost reduction; community relations; and,
Teaching in community medicine departments, colleges and universities: health economics, health financial management, health services management, hospital administration, health planning, and computer applications in health institutions.