Who's Who in
Health Sciences Academia

    Karen Marie Chapman-Novakofski

  • Professor
  • Karen Marie Chapman-Novakofski
  • Department of Food Science & Human Nutrition
  • https://fshn.illinois.edu/directory/faculty
  • University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  • 905 S. Goodwin Ave.
    Urbana, Illinois 61801
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Geriatric nutrition & sensory changes in the elderly; community nutrition education research, especially osteoporosis and diabetes education.Dr. Chapman-Novakofski's research interests focus on identifying and changing food habits of groups of people. Using behavioral theories, her interventions have included reducing cardiovascular disease risk in women and in Hispanic low-income groups, as well as identifying modifiable beliefs women have about calcium and osteoporosis and improving diabetes care knowledge through a statewide program. Part of the research examines the choice of theory, primarily using the Health Belief Model, the Theory of Reasoned Action or the Stages of Change. We use needs assessment, theoretical-based program development and outcomes or impact evaluation in all nutrition education interventions. "Outcomes" may be framed as knowledge change, attitude change, dietary change or as a "marker" for change, such as change in blood sugar or bone density. Validity and reliability of evaluation instruments is another avenue of our nutrition education research. Because taste is a component of food choice, some of our research also assesses taste changes using forced choice methods.

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