Evaluating methods of improving quality of life for cancer patients and improving acceptance of screening practices among cancer patients and their families. We are also interested in understanding the impact of cancer and cancer risk on patients and their families. In particular, we are interested in social-environmental influences that affect how individuals and their family members cope with cancer and cancer risk. Our primary goal is to improve quality of life for patients and their families, and to improve cancer screening participation among family members at risk. We have eight ongoing studies of cancer patients, individuals at risk for cancer, and their family members focusing on the following patients and their families. Our studies focus on the following populations:
Women undergoing treatment for early stage breast cancer and their partners
Siblings at increased risk for colon or rectal cancer due to a sibling diagnosed with colon or rectal cancer prior to age 61
Women diagnosed with ovarian cancer
Mothers of children undergoing bone marrow transplantation (BMT)
First-degree relatives of individuals with melanoma
Patients with colorectal cancer being offered Microsatellite Instability testing
Men diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer and their wives
And individuals diagnosed with head and neck or lung cancers and their partners.