Who's Who in
Health Sciences Academia

3490 members found

Mark Timmons, Assistant Professor
Marshall University
Department of Athletic Training

Nadiya Timperman, Adjunct Professor
Otterbein College
Department of Athletic Training

David Titcomb, Associate Professor
Liberty University
Department of Athletic Training

Andrew Toce
Southern Connecticut State University
Department of Athletic Training

John Todorovich, Professor
University of West Florida
Department of Exercise Science and Community Health

Tahmineh Tolentino, Adjunct Instructor
Fort Lewis College
Department of Athletic Training

Danilo Tolusso, Clinical Assistant Professor
Marquette University
Department of Exercise Science

David Tomchuk, Assistant Professor
Missouri Valley College
Department of Athletic Training

Jenna Tomlinson
East Carolina University
Department of Athletic Training

Kolin Tomlinson, Adjunct Instructor
Fort Lewis College
Department of Athletic Training

Kevin M. Tong, Assistant Professor
Defiance College
Department of Athletic Training

Stacey Tonyan
University of Missouri
Department of Athletic Training

Jenny Toonstra, Assistant Professor
Bowling Green State University
Department of Athletic Training

Toni Torres-McGehee, Associate Professor
University of South Carolina
Department of Athletic Training

Kelly Tourville, Associate Professor
University of Vermont
Department of Athletic Training


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