Who's Who in
Health Sciences Academia

3490 members found

Henrietta Cserne Szappanos, Research Associate Professor
University of Western Australia
School of Human Movement and Exercise Science

Philip Szlosek, Assistant Professor
Bridgewater State University
Department of Athletic Training

Ewa Szymlek-Gay, Lecturer
Deakin University
School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

Bradley T. Hayes, Assistant Professor
University of Utah
Department of Exercise and Sports Science

Dennis Taaffe, Professor
Edith Cowan University
Department of Exercise and Sports Science

Christopher Taber, Associate Professor
Sacred Heart University
Department of Exercise Science

Jenna Tacinelli Hach, Assistant Professor
Dominican College
Department of Athletic Training

Angie Taibbi, Assistant Professor
George Fox University
Department of Athletic Training

KOTA TAKAHASHI, Associate Professor
University of Utah
Department of Exercise and Sports Science

Yukio TAKEDA, Professor
Komazawa University
Department of Sport and Health Studies

Jason Talanian, Professor
Fitchburg State College
Department of Exercise and Sports Science

Nancy Talbott, Professor
University of Cincinnati
Department of Rehabilitation, Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

Sameera Talegawkar, Associate Professor
George Washington University
Department of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

Johnnie Talley, Lecturer
Wake Forest University
Department of Health & Exercise Science

Scott Talpey, Senior Lecturer
Federation University
School of Human Movement and Sport Sciences


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