Who's Who in
Health Sciences Academia

3490 members found

Sean Strehlow, Assistant Professor
Messiah College
Department of Health, Nutrition & Exercise Science

David Strickland, Instructor
University of Central Arkansas
Department of Exercise and Sport Science

Kelley Strohacker, Assistant Professor
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Kinesiology, Recreation & Sport Studies

Helen Strom-Olsen, Professor
Castleton State College
Department of Athletic Training

Amanda Strong
Southern Connecticut State University
Department of Athletic Training

Lorna Strong, Assistant Professor
West Texas A&M University
Department of Sports and Exercise Sciences

Hal Strough, Associate Professor
Nova Southeastern University
Department of Health and Human Performance

David Stroupe, Instructor
Wake Forest University
Department of Health & Exercise Science

Erik Strouse, Lecturer
George Washington University
Department of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

Dawn Strout, Assistant Professor
Saint Joseph's College of Maine
Department of Sport and Exercise Science

Gavin Sturdy, Research Assistant Professor
University of Western Australia
School of Human Movement and Exercise Science

Micaela Sturm, Adjunct Instructor
Sacred Heart University
Department of Exercise Science

Mark Stutz, Associate Professor
Nebraska Wesleyan University
Department of Athletic Training

Peter Stuursma, Associate Professor
Hope College
Department of Kinesiology

Georgios Stylianides, Associate Professor
Lebanon Valley College
Exercise Science


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