Who's Who in
Health Sciences Academia

3490 members found

Laurie Rivera, Senior Lecturer
Appalachian State University
Department of Athletic Training

Christopher Rizzo, Associate Professor
University of New England
Department of Athletic Training

Rob Robergs, Associate Professor
Queensland University of Technology
School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

Alex Roberts, Lecturer
La Trobe University
Department of Dietetics, Human Nutrition and Sport

John C. Roberts, Assistant Professor
Gannon University
Department of Athletic Training

John C. Roberts, Instructor
Concord University
Department of Health Sciences

Kathleen Roberts, Adjunct Instructor
Gannon University
Department of Athletic Training

Spencer Roberts, Lecturer
Deakin University
School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

Donald Robertson, Emeritus Professor
University of Western Australia
School of Human Movement and Exercise Science

JD Robertson, Instructor
University of Mount Union
Department of Athletic Training

Marc Robertson, Associate Professor
Southern Connecticut State University
Department of Athletic Training

Matthew J Robinson, Assistant Professor
University of Delaware
Department of Health and Exercise Sciences

Rich Robinson, Associate Professor
University of Indianapolis
Department of Exercise Science

Julie Rochester, Professor
Northern Michigan University
Department of Athletic Training

Joan Rocks
Otterbein College
Department of Athletic Training


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