Who's Who in
Health Sciences Academia

3484 members found

Virginia Politano, Professor
North Carolina Central University
Department of Physical Education & Recreation

Emily Polla, Assistant Lecturer
University of Western Australia
School of Human Movement and Exercise Science

Margaret Pollett, Research Associate Professor
University of Western Australia
School of Human Movement and Exercise Science

Anne Polley, Lecturer
Edith Cowan University
School of Exercise, Biomedical and Health Science

Remco Polman, Professor
Queensland University of Technology
School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

Karen Poole, Assistant Professor
University of North Carolina--Greensboro
Department of Exercise and Sport Science

Mark Poolman, Instructor
University of North Dakota
Department of Sports Medicine

Elizabeth Pope, Lecturer
State University of New York College at Brockport
Department of Kinesiology, Sport Studies & Physical Education

Joel Popenfoose
Judson University
Department of Exercise and Sport Science

Nels Popp
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Department of Athletic Training

Ann Marie Porada, Adjunct Instructor
University of Pittsburgh
Department of Athletic Training

John Porcelli, Professor
Montclair State University
Department of Exercise Science and Physical Education

Courtney Porter, Reseach Associate
Queensland University of Technology
School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

Judi Porter, Professor
Deakin University
School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

Michael Porter, Professor
Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
Department of Health and Exercise Science


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