Who's Who in
Health Sciences Academia

3484 members found

Michelle Odai, Assistant Professor
Florida International University
Department of Athletic Training

Chris Odell, Professor
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Department of Athletic Training

Takahiro Ogata, Assistant Professor
Teikyo University
Department of Sports Medicine / Health Sports Course

Elisa Ogawa, Adjunct Professor
University of Massachusetts at Boston
Department of Exercise & Health Sciences

Nobuyuki Ohashi, Associate Professor
Teikyo University
Department of Sports Medicine / Health Sports Course

Tony Oldham, Senior Lecturer
Auckland University of Technology
School of Sport and Recreation

Marilyn Oliver, Professor
University of La Verne
Department of Athletic Training

Jacilyn Olson, Associate Professor
University of Central Oklahoma
Department of Exercise Science

Michael Olson, Associate Professor
Midwestern State University
Department of Athletic Training & Exercise Physiology

Terry Olson, Assistant Professor
Concordia University, Irvine California
Department of Athletic Training

Roger Omeus
Montclair State University
Department of Exercise Science and Physical Education

James Onate, Associate Professor
Ohio State University
Department of Athletic Training

Callum Ormonde, Assistant Lecturer
University of Western Australia
School of Human Movement and Exercise Science

Rhonda Orr, Lecturer
University of Sydney
School of Exercise and Sport Science

Elizabeth Orsega-Smith, Assistant Professor
University of Delaware
Department of Health and Exercise Sciences


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