Who's Who in
Health Sciences Academia

3483 members found

Vic Miller
Iowa State University
Department of Athletic Training

William Miller, Associate Professor
Concord University
Department of Health Sciences

Da'Lynn Mills
Clayton State University
Department of Exercise Science

Matt Mills, Assistant Professor
Springfield College
Department of Exercise Science and Sport Studies

Matt E. Mills, Assistant Professor
Quinnipiac University
Department of Athletic Training and Sports Medicine

Rose Millspaugh, Assistant Professor
Ithaca College
Department of Athletic Training

Sloane Milstein, Assistant Professor
Colorado Mesa University
Department of Kinesiology

Catherine Milte, Senior Lecturer
Deakin University
School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

Herb Minch, Instructor
West Liberty University
Department of Athletic Training

Doug Minnix, Associate Professor
Bluefield College
Department of Exercise & Sport Science

Maureen Mintzlaff, Adjunct Instructor
Missouri Baptist University
School of Health & Sport Sciences

Shadmehr Mirdar, Professor
University of Mazandaran, NIT
Faculty of Physical Education & Sport Science

Ulrike Mitchell, Associate Professor
Brigham Young University
Department of Exercise Science

J.C. Mizelle, Assistant Professor
East Carolina University
Department of Exercise and Sport Science

Dani M. Moffit, Associate Professor
Idaho State University
Department of Athletic Training


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