Who's Who in
Health Sciences Academia

15436 members found

Nell Harris, Lecturer
Curtin University of Technology
Department of Health Sciences

Paul Harris, Senior Lecturer
Griffith University
School of Human Services

Ruth M. Harris, Emeritus Professor
University of Maryland, Baltimore
Department of Family and Community Health

Scott Harris, Lecturer
Central Queensland University
Discipline of Nursing & Health Studies

Shannon Harris, Professor
University of Arizona
College of Health Sciences

Tom Harris, Adjunct Professor
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Science
School of Medical Imaging and Therapeutics

Howard University
Division of Allied Health Sciences

Anne L. Harrison, Associate Professor
University of Kentucky
College of Health Sciences

Brenda Harrison, Professor
University of Bridgeport
Department of Health Sciences

JANELLE HARRISON, Assistant Professor
Mercy College
School of Health and Natural Sciences

Meagan Harrison, Research Associate Professor
Johns Hopkins University
Department of International Health

Peter Harrison, Lecturer
The University of Queensland
School of Human Movement Studies

Tim Harrison, Casual Lecturer
Southern Cross University
Faculty of health

Yvonne Harrison, Adjunct Assistant Professor
University of Victoria
School of Public Administration

Brandon Harrist, Instructor
Our Lady of the Lake University
Department of Nursing


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