Who's Who in
Health Sciences Academia

15417 members found

Noya Galai, Associate Professor
Johns Hopkins University
Department of Epidemiology

Suzanne Galal, Assistant Professor
University of the Pacific
Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy & Health Sciences

Karla Galaviz, Assistant Professor
Indiana University, Bloomington
Department of Applied Health Science

Georgina Galbraith, Casual Lecturer
Southern Cross University
Faculty of health

Jessica Galdamez Mejia, Professor
Foothill College
Schoole of Health Sciences & Horticulture

Angelica Gale, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Santa Fe College
Department of Nursing

Jackie Galea, Professor
Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
Department of Health Sciences

Mary Galea, Honorary Professor
The University of Queensland
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

Jeff Galen, Associate Professor
University of Missouri-Columbia
Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences

Daniel Gales, Professor
Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
Department of Health and Exercise Science

Nikolaos Galiatsatos, Assistant Professor
University of Hartford
Department of Health Profession

Jen Galich, Faculty Associate
Saddleback College
Department of Nursing

Elizabeth Galik, Associate Professor
University of Maryland, Baltimore
School of Nursing

Elizabeth Galik, Professor
University of Maryland, Baltimore
Department of Organizational Systems and Adult Health

Mary Galiotto, Adjunct Professor
Community College of Allegheny County
Department of Nursing


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