Who's Who in
Health Sciences Academia

15417 members found

Tanya Friese, Assistant Professor
Rush University
College of Nursing

College of Central Florida
Department of Nursing

Peter Friis, Senior Lecturer
The University of Queensland
School of Human Movement Studies

South Carolina State University
Department of Health and Physical Education

Aric Frisina-Deyo, Professor
University of Bridgeport
Department of Health Sciences

Michelle Fritsch, Professor
Towson University
Physician Assistant Program

Carla Fritz, Professor
University of Montana
Department of Health Center Administration

Dana Rissler Fritz, Clinical Instructor
University of Missouri-Columbia
Department of Communication Science and Disorders

Julie Fritz
University of Utah
College of Health

Katherine Fritz, Assistant Professor
International Center for Research On Women
Global Health

KATRENA D. FROH, Adjunct Professor
Concordia University-Ann Arbor
School of Health Professions

John R. Froines, Professor
University of California, Los Angeles
Department of Environmental Health Sciences

Lucy Fromtling, Clinical Assistant Professor
Towson University
Department of Health Sciences

Patricia Fronek, Senior Lecturer
Griffith University
School of Human Services

Hilda Fronske, Associate Professor
Utah State University
Departments Health, Physical Education, and Recreation


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