Who's Who in
Health Sciences Academia

15392 members found

Jessica L. Fraser-Thomas, Assistant Professor
York University
School of Kinesiology & Health Science

Pam Frasier, Professor
Radford University
Department of Health

Shannon Frattaroli, Assistant Professor
Johns Hopkins University
Department of Health Policy and Management

Jane Frawley, Senior Lecturer
University of Technology, Sydney
Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery and Health

Francois Fraysse, Lecturer
University of South Australia
School of Health Sciences

Gregory H. Frazer, Professor
Duquesne University
John G. Rangos, Sr. School of Health Sciences

Ryan Frazer, Instructor
Pasadena City College
Department of Kinesiology, Health, and Athletics

Andrea Frazier, Adjunct Professor
Indian River Community College
Department of Nursing

Kelly K. Frazier, Professor
Furman University
Department of Health and Exercise Science

Mike Frecklington, Lecturer
Auckland University of Technology
Department of Podiatry

Jeffrey Fredberg, Professor
Harvard University
Department of Environmental Health

Jason A. Freed, Assistant Professor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Whitaker College of Health Sciences and Technology

Kenneth Freedberg, Associate Professor
Harvard University
Department of Health Policy and Management

Lori Freedman, Assistant Professor
University of California, Berkeley
UCB-UCSF Joint Medical Program

Lynn Freedman, Associate Professor
Columbia University
The Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health


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