Who's Who in
Health Sciences Academia

15286 members found

Scott De Wever, Lecturer
The University of Queensland
School of Human Movement Studies

Amy Deal, Assistant Professor
University of Oklahoma
Communication Sciences & Disorders

Dilhari DeAlmeida, Assistant Professor
University of Pittsburgh
Department of Health Information Management

Belinda Dean, Lecturer
Deakin University
School of Health and Social Development

Lorraine Tiera Dean, Assistant Professor
Johns Hopkins University
Department of Epidemiology

Melinda Dean, Senior Lecturer
University of the Sunshine Coast
Department of Health Sciences

Moira Dean, Professor
University of Newcastle, Australia
School of Health Sciences

Sue Dean, Lecturer
Southern Cross University
Faculty of health

Suzanne Dean, Lecturer
University of Technology, Sydney
Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery and Health

Walter Dearborn, Lecturer
Towson University
Department of Health Sciences

Justin DeBlauw, Visiting Assistant Professor
Skidmore College
Department of Health and Human Physiological Sciences

Katrina J. Debnam, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Johns Hopkins University
Department of Mental Health

Melissa Deboer, Instructor
Central New Mexico Community College
Department of Health, Wellness, and Public Safety

Deborah Debono, Senior Lecturer
University of Technology, Sydney
Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery and Health

Natalie S. DeCarbo, Instructor
Westminster College
School of Life & Health Sciences


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