Who's Who in
Health Sciences Academia

15261 members found

Stephen Corporal, Lecturer
Griffith University
School of Human Services

Sharon Corpus
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Department of Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Erica Corrales, Instructor
Central New Mexico Community College
Department of Health, Wellness, and Public Safety

Lisa Correll
Polk State College
Department of Nursing

Maryann Correll, Instructor
Rowan College at Burlington County
Department of Health Sciences

Samantha Corrington, Assistant Professor
University of Victoria
School of Child and Youth Care

Meagan Corriveau, Instructor
University of Maine at Presque Isle
Department of Medical Laboratory Technology

Sara J. Corse, Adjunct Associate Professor
Thomas Jefferson University
Department of Counseling & Behavioral Health

Nadia Corsini, Lecturer
University of South Australia
School of Health Sciences

Kendall Cortelyou-Ward, Instructor
University of Central Florida
Department of Health Professions

Kendall Cortelyou-Ward, Associate Professor
University of Central Florida
Department of Health Management and Informatics

Iris Cortes, Assistant Professor
Manhattanville College
School of Nursing & Health Sciences

Lauren Cortis, Lecturer
University of South Australia
School of Health Sciences

Vanessa Corunna, Associate Lecturer
Curtin University of Technology
School of Public Health

Darren Cosgrove, Assistant Professor
Miami University of Ohio
Department of Family Studies and Social Work


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